20-Amazing things only really [people know about their healthy life]

With a digital array of fitness tips and tricks for a healthy diet, it's easy to lose track of what's actually healthy and what's not. Indeed, there is an increasing gap between quick-fix gimmicks and the proven wisdom of educated professionals. Don't stay in the dark and be fooled by fitness trends. Instead, make sure you understand these 40 things that only really sane people know!

1. Most people overestimate the calorie consumption of training.

Calorie estimating is a key skill for maintaining a healthy weight, but most of us are pretty bad at it, according to a 2016 Sports and Exercise Medicine and Science study. In this study, 58 subjects completed 25 minutes of training at various levels of intensity. They were then asked to estimate the number of calories burned and prepare a meal that matched the equivalent calories. People overestimate and underestimate how many calories they burn and how many they eat, indicating that calorie counting for the general public is more guesswork than science.

2. Only 10% of Americans get the right amount of sodium.

Like sugar, sodium is hidden in almost every corner of the American diet. However, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), only 10% of Americans consume adequate amounts.

So how is it best to reduce it? Cook your own with whole ingredients, throw away excess salt, and choose herbs and spices that stimulate your taste buds.

3. Americans eat three times as much meat as does in the world.

According to a 2011 study by the Journal of Public Health Nutrition, Americans consume three times as much meat as the world average. Apart from the environmental impact of this amazing statistic and the moral issues surrounding the meat industry, this study points to a major health problem of increased risk of cancer and chronic illness.

4. Carbonated drinks are diabetic

It's probably not surprising that carbonated drinks are bad for your health due to the pile of sugar and non-existent nutritional contributions. Their health consequences are possible. A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that women who drank only one glass of soft drink per day were twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

5. Diet Soda can cause metabolic syndrome and weight gain in her.

Some people think that the answer to criticism of soft drinks is to switch to diet soda. But really sane people know that these soda cheats are packed with chemicals and cause many health hazards.

A 2015 study by the journal Nutrients showed a positive association between consumption of all types of soft drinks and metabolic syndrome, pointing out that "diet soft drinks had a positive association with waist circumference." I am. And to learn more about why you should get rid of such things, find out why diet soda is one of 30 things you didn't think could cause cancer.

6. Junk food can cause (certain) addiction.

Have you ever thought that one cheat meal is enough to get you out of your normal daily routine? You are hardly alone. "Many highly processed foods are addictive, and there is increasing evidence that some cases of compulsive binge eating resemble addictive disorders," said Psychology Frontier 2014. The year's study explains.

7. Carbohydrates are not an enemy.

Soaking your toes in a vast sea of ​​nutritional advice is permissible to think that all carbs should be absolutely avoided. But if you dig a little deeper, you'll get a more complete picture. As the 2018 Science and Politics in Nutrition study point out, refined carbohydrates such as candy, white pasta, cereals, and processed foods deserve negative coverage. However, complex carbohydrates (whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, legumes, sweet potatoes) have many benefits and can be part of a moderately sustainable weight loss diet.

8. Eating the right amount of fat can help you lose weight.

If you think a low-fat diet is a silver bullet for weight loss, think again. Really healthy people know that good fat are important for losing weight, and skipping those fats means that you are depriving your body of important nutrients.

Apart from the weight-related benefits, this 2018 study by the journal Nutrients found that polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in fatty fish rich in omega 3, stop inflammation, combat chronic illness, and cause heart failure. It has been found that it can increase the risk of illness and help regulate blood pressure. Fights cancer and relieves arthritis.

9. There are "good cholesterol" and so on.

your heart health depends on it. According to Mayor Clinic, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is "bad" cholesterol, and eating too much-saturated fat can cause plaques to build up on the arterial wall. High-density lipoprotein (HDL), on the other hand, is considered "good" cholesterol because it helps move LDL from the bloodstream to the liver where it is processed and broken down into waste products.

10. Drinking alcohol confuses your diet plan. As explained in a 2014 study by the American Journal of Public Health, the average US drinker consumes 16% of his total calories from alcohol and those calories in other areas of the diet. Is rarely supplemented.

 11 Food companies are paying for research to prove that their products are healthy.

If you rely on the morning show for nutritional advice, be aware of the comprehensive claims about new health trends that could go straight on the wrong path. Really sane people are never enough for one study to change their entire diet, as food companies routinely pay for pseudoscientific research to promote their products directly or indirectly. I know it shouldn't be. In 2015, Michele Simon, a public health advocate and author of "The Need for Profit: How the Food Industry Damages Our Health and Counterattacks," is how nutritionists and the food industry are friends. I wrote a comprehensive report detailing what is there. Simply put, if you're skeptical of claims that aren't backed by multiple supporting sources, it's probably unreliable.

12. "All natural" means almost nothing.

Is it possible to buy a product labeled "All Natural" as much as another product labeled "Organic"? Are your eggs "free-range" and your salad dressing "light"? In praise for trying to be healthy, truly sane people take advantage of their desire to make these labels deliberately misleading consumers and make them healthier and more responsible. I know that I will charge a large amount of money. As a record, USDA states that "all-natural" meat can still be processed legally. "Free-range" means that poultry has access to the wild at some point in their lives (although there are no other requirements as to what that means). Also, "light" may in some cases refer to the flavor of the dressing rather than the calorie count or nutritional profile.

13. Some food packaging contains harmful chemicals.

Aside from deliberately misleading label deception, packaged foods tend to be more processed and the chemicals contained in the packaging itself can have a negative impact on health. As researchers explain in the direction of diet, nutrition, and cancer research, "more than 2,500 chemicals are intentional in foods to change taste, color, stability, texture, or cost. Has been added to. In addition, an estimated 12,000 substances are used in ways that can be accidentally mixed into food. These substances include ingredients in food packaging materials, processing aids, pesticide residues, and medicines given to animals. That's why it's so important to incorporate natural foods into your diets, such as organic fruits and vegetables from local grocery stores and Farmers' markets.

14. Exercise Improves Mood and Cognitive Function

A truly healthy person is well aware of the effects of great exercise on mood-boosting. A 2017 study by the journal Brain Plasticity not only "acute exercise has been shown to improve emotional, mood, and emotional state," but also "cognitive function, especially cognitive dependence on the prefrontal cortex." In the area, it has been shown to have a modest beneficial effect overall. "

Like '44 44 or Dr. Vernon Williams, director of the Center for Motor Neurology and Pain Medicine at the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, California, said: For more ways to feel your best in building lean muscle mass, this one word will boost your mood by 25 percent.

15. "Health" does not mean "low calories".

People are increasingly aware of the fact that low-calorie foods aren't always healthy (diet soda, who?), But many find them, for example, in this 2010 study by Nutrients: It states in. Nuts have optimal nutrient densities for healthy minerals as compared to other foods such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Still, eat a handful or more (about 1 ounce of serving). And you can pack hundreds of extra calories in a short period of time.

16. Stress causes the accumulation of belly fat.

Are you stressed at work or through the relationships in your life? If you feel that stress is out of control, you may be making even more sacrifices than you think. According to this 2011 study in the journal obesity, stress provokes a cortisol arousal response, which is independently associated with an increase in abdominal fat. But the problem doesn't stop with just a few pounds extra around your belly. The fat that helps it produce is visceral fat, a dangerous type that wraps around your internal organs and increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and more.

17. Gut health is very important.

Gut health is an exciting new avenue of scientific discovery, and we are just beginning to understand the impact of gut microbiota. A seminal 2015 study in the journal Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience found that gut health not only affects the immune system, metabolism, and digestive tract but also has deep connections with the brain that can lead to depression. understood. As research continues, health practitioners know that this area could define tomorrow's health debate.

18. cutting out some foods 

Looking for an immediate way to make your diet healthier? Healthy people know that it is better to "replace" unhealthy foods by loading them with healthy foods rather than cutting out food groups. By filling two-thirds of your plate with fresh veggies and using the rest of your plate for other food groups, you can ensure that you're filling the healthiest of things without being limited to one particular thing. 

19. Strength training is not just for gaining mass.

When you're looking for a way to look and feel stronger, a few things change your physique like a solid weightlifting routine. But this 2014 study in the Current Sports Medicine Report shows that resistance training is even more effective. It's really effective in many health disorders as well.

20. The Wellness Industry Can Be Downright Unhealthy 

On the surface, the wellness industry exists to help us all become our best and healthiest selves. But the reality behind this $ 4.2 trillion industry is that the more you hate your body, the more likely you are to spend money. Unfortunately, that negativity is really rooted. A 2018 study by MHealth found that 88% of posts and comments on Facebook's Fitness and Diet Support page promote harmful health messages. In different health-related groups

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